NMR Spectroscopy
Images for NMR technique page
KChIP Structure (large)
The α-helices of the KIS domain (green) and the Kv4.3 N terminus (cyan) can bind to the same surface pocket on the KChIP core structure as shown by mapping of NMR chemical shift perturbation data onto a surface representation of KChIP.
Sequence-specific assignment and secondary structure of the extracellular domain of GLIC
Sequence-specific assignment and secondary structure of the extracellular domain of GLIC (yellow: assigned, light blue: unassigned, dark blue: proline).
KChIP Structure (small)
The α-helices of the KIS domain (green) and the Kv4.3 N terminus (cyan) can bind to the same surface pocket on the KChIP core structure as shown by mapping of NMR chemical shift perturbation data onto a surface representation of KChIP.