
Membrane Physiology and -Technology Lab Team

Principal Investigator: 

Prof. Jan C. Behrends

Lab Manager:


open position available!

Postdoctoral Fellows:

Dr. Gerhard Baaken (Nanopore arrays, polymer interaction with nanopores, CEO Ionera)

Dr. Ekaterina Zaitseva (Nanopore arrays, in vitro synthesis and reconstitution of membrane proteins)

Dr. Sönke Petersen (Nanopore arrays, electrodes and microsystems integration)

Dr. Mukhil Raveendran (Nanopore arrays, Biological Nanopores)


Doctoral Students:

Monasadat Talarimoghari (IRTG SoMaS Project C7: Recognition of synthetic polymers by biological nanopores)

Tobias Ensslen (IRTG SoMaS Biological nanopores: structural determinantion of sensing properties)

Master Students:

open position available!


Bachelor Students:

open position available!


Student Research Assistants:

open position available!



We constantly provide cutting edge topics for thesis work within B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs according to the standards of the University of Freiburg. If you are interested in any open position, please contact tobias.ensslen@physiologie.uni-freiburg.de, or
jan.behrends@physiologie.uni-freiburg.de for further information, or ask us for an appointment!



Behrends Lab Alumni:

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